Nichiren Shoshu of Ghana is a duly registered religious organisation in Ghana. The objective of the organisation is to learn, practise correctly and propagate Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism under the guidance of the Nichiren Shoshu Head Temple. Through correct and sincere practice, each individual can improve his or her life condition to attain absolute happiness and thereby contribute towards the development of society and attainment of world peace.
 The head office of the organisation is located at the Hokkeji Temple located on Temple Street, Fan Milk Junction, Ablekuma in the Ga Central Municipality, with activity centres and meeting places across the country.
 The Hokkeji Temple is the first Nichiren Shoshu Temple in Africa and therefore the centre for propagation activities in Africa. Meetings and ceremonies are conducted by the resident Chief Priest at the Temple every Sunday. Meetings are also held at various designated meeting places throughout the country. These meetings are opened to all. The Temple also runs pre-school and primary education programmes, which are open to the public.