1ST – 4TH APRIL 2018

In order to help Togo district to achieve its Shakubuku target, Rev. Imafuku, accompanied by Koto Dr. Kwame Boamah, visited Togo from 1st to 4th April 2018.

Rev. Imafuku and Koto were welcomed at Aflao border around 1 pm by the Assistant District Leader, Mr. Ayena Messan and the General Secretary Mr. Afachawo Alain. After the immigration formalities, they were taken to Hotel La Concorde.

As scheduled, Rev. Imafuku held the 1st meeting at Bishamon2, a sub-district located at Be-Kpota (Lome). After 30 minutes of Shodai followed by Gongyo, Rev. introduced himself and delivered his message on “the basics concepts of Buddhism”, translated by Mr. Ayena Messan. The lecture is composed of the following concepts: Law of Cause and Effect, Karma, meaning of Nam MyoHo RenGe Kyo, the Gohonzon and the Purpose of the faith and practice in Nichiren Shoshu. After the lecture members and guests asked questions such as:

  • How can Buddhism protect a person from witchcraft or occult powers which are part of African reality?
  • How does Buddhism explain the creation of the world or living beings?
  • Suppose that someone is found dead on his bed and people attributed his death to withcraft. Which cause might he has created?
  • Is the cycle of birth and death over for someone who attains enlightenment? In which life condition will an enlightened person be reborn?
  • What is Buddhism approach regarding the quick results given to people by the occultists?
  • How does the cycle of birth and death function?

The participants who were about 95 including 24 guests got satisfied with Rev.’s answers. The meeting continued with the encouragements by Togo District Leader Mr. Etekpo Koffi and some folk music show performed by Bishamon2 members. It ended at 8.20pm with a dinner offered to Rev. and all other members.

The following morning, the second meeting was held at Adeta located at about 149km from Lome, and 29Km from Kpalime city. The meeting started at 9 am with 1 hour Shodai and Gongyo, followed by Gojukai ceremony during which 7 new members received the conversion ceremony to true Buddhism.

The same lecture was given by Rev Imafuku. After the lecture, the following questions were asked:

  • Is it good to pick up money found on the floor which does not belong to you?
  • Why do you talk about rebirth in Buddhism? Do our causes follow us even after death?
  • Can a sick man get recovery by practicing Buddhism as the other religions promise?
  • What is the relation between the Gohonzon and Juzu?

The attendance was 35 including 20 guests. The meeting ended at 11 am with a lunch. The satisfaction of members and guests was clearly expressed by a guest, an old man who said to Rev., “Please, come back next year again. I am sure we will definitely join you.”

From Adeta, the delegation headed towards Atakpame for the 3rd meeting. On arrival around 2:30 pm, Rev. and Koto were brought to Roc Hotel. They joined the meeting place at 5.50pm. After 30 minutes of Shodai and Gongyo, Rev. did Gojukai to 11 people and treated the same topics on the Basic Concepts of Buddhism. Members and guests show their seeking mind through questions such as:

  • My landlords used to take back my room keys just after 3months renting. I accept that it is my karma. But, what can I do to change definitely this karma?
  • My family is cursed. We have only sick men, idle men, drunkards and barren women in the family. Can we say that is family karma? Can I alone change that karma if I start chanting?
  • If a member’s Gohonzon is regularly damaged, is it due to his attachment to negative influences or is it a lack of taking good care of the Gohonzon?
  • How to become Nichiren Shoshu member? Are there regulations to follow?

The meeting ended at 20.15pm with the attendance of 65. Rev. and Koto were then driven back to Roc Hotel for e dinner.

The next morning, which is Saturday, the delegation left Atakpame at 6.20 am to Afagna where the 4th meeting was held. After 45 mn Shodai, Rev. conducted Gongyo at 10 am and Gojukai ceremony for 18 people. Being convinced by the lecture and the answers to the questions, 4 other people received additional Gojukai. The total gojukai was therefore 22. It was the same topics as at the previous meetings but with different questions were asked as follows:

  • The Bible and Koran teach about the end of the world. What is the teaching of Buddhism in this respect?
  • Suppose that someone wrongly charged you with doing something. And after chanting, it appeared clearly that you did nothing. So, the very person started facing seriously the outcome of his falsehood. As a Buddhist, what can I do to lessen his pain?
  • Some people compelled us through their slander to the Law, to react violently. Is it good?

The meeting was over around 1 pm. After a lunch offered by Afagna members, Rev., Koto, Togo district leaders left for Lomé around 2pm.

In the evening, Rev. held a Tozan meeting with 3 Benin and 11 Togo members who are preparing for the special April Tozan. Rev. explained with details how things are organized and planned to make the Tozan a successful one. After the meeting, Rev. and Koto were hosted by Mr. Etekpo Koffi at his residence. They left Kofi’s house around 9.45 for Hotel 2 Fevrier where they spent the night.

Sunday was the general meeting day in Lomé. After Shodai and morning Gongyo, 18 members received Gojukai. Rev. Imafuku repeated the same lecture on the Basics Concepts of Buddhism. The attendance was 227 including 9 guests. Some of the questions put to Rev. were:

  • Supposed that 3 people killed me in this current life. Does it mean that I killed those three people in my past life?
  • Suppose that someone stole my money. I know it is my karma. But, should I not take any action like reporting to the police?
  • What is Sumi ink?
  • Is killing an animal for meat or cutting trees for our needs a slander?
  • How does Buddhism explain the appearing of universe?
  • Why do some people live longer than others?
  • How can a disable such as a blind, deaf or dumb person practice and attain Buddhahood?
  • Can a Buddhist take part in a traditional ceremony?

After giving answers to all these questions, the meeting went on with the words of encouragement of Koto and Togo district leader. 2 additional Gojukai were done after evening Gongyo. It gives the total of 20 Gojukai in Lomé. At the end of meeting, Rev. and Koto met all leaders and instructed them on Itai Doshin, the need to follow High Priest and the Chief Priest’s guidance. Leaders were also encouraged to participate in planning meetings and to be aware of the challenges and address them to have a Temple in Togo.

To summarize, 5 meetings were held with the attendance of 535 including 53 guests. The total number of Gojukai was 60 for the whole visit.

This visit allowed us to work toward our Shakubuku target and deepen our faith. So, we are looking forward to the next visit of the Chief Priest.


Report by Assistant District Leader

Ayena Messan.